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Low-cost Adapter Sigma-22


Low-cost Adapter Sigma-22 Features:

The Sigma-22 is a middle speed (up to 384 kbps) synchronous/asynchronous adapter intended for use with IBM PC and compatible computers.

Sigma-22 adapter is based on the CL-CD2431 controller chip (a product of Cirrus Logic Corp., USA). It supports master mode DMA data transfer providing the most efficient use of the PC input/output bus. Interface options cover RS-232, V.35, RS-530 and RS-449 standards. The adapter is software-configurable. Only I/O Base Address is jumper selectable.

The Cronyx-Sigma software allows to join several physical synchronous communication channels into one logical channel. For example, two channels with data rate 128 kbps, joined together, will create the logical channel with the overall throughput of 256 kbps.

There are several models of Sigma adapter available, supporting different serial interfaces.

Currently available models are listed in Prices. Please, contact technical support if you are unsure which model to choose.


Feature Sigma-22 Sigma-22/VR Sigma-22/R
PC Bus Interface:
Bus Type ISA, 16 bit
I/O Base Address 240h, 260h, 280h, 300h, 320h, 380h, 3A0h, Jumper Selectable
I/O Address Space 32 Bytes
Interrupts IRQ 3, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 15, Software Selectable
DMA Channels DMA 5, 6, 7, Software Selectable
DMA Transfers Master Mode, Word Bursts
Addressable Memory 16 Mbytes
Serial Interfaces:
Interface Type RS-232/V.35 Channel 0: RS-232/V.35,
Channel 1: RS-530 (RS-449)
RS-530 (RS-449)
Data Transfer Rate per direction for each channel simultaneous operation 192 kbps
Maximum Single Channel Data Transfer Rate 384 kbps
Bit Rate Generator Independent per channel per direction
Synchronous Protocol HDLC
Asynchronous Transfer 5-8 Bits/Character, 1/1.5/2 Stop Bits
Sync Mode Error Detection Cyclic Redundancy Check CRC-16, CRC V.41
Async Mode Error Detection Parity Bit
Clock Options TXCIN, RXCIN, TXCOUT or DPLL, Software selectable per channel
Modem Control Signals Supported DTR, DSR, CTS, RTS, CD
Board Size Height: 105 mm, Width: 165 mm
Operating Systems and Protocols
Windows NT/2000 PPP
FreeBSD 4.x, 5.x, 6.x
(FreeBSD 7.x is not supported)
PPP, Cisco/HDLC, Frame Relay
Linux PPP, Cisco/HDLC, Frame Relay


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PDF  User's Manual (dual English/Russian)
PDF  Driver Development Kit Manual in Russian
PDF Справочник по интерфейсным кабелям Cronyx.

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