Форум cronyx.ru (архив)
cronyx omega pci/mgetty/pppd/zyxel rs 1612 | Zaza  :: 2004-06-17 16:06 |
-- 06/17 16:19:59 aa2 mgetty: experimental test release 1.1.30-Dec16 06/17 16:19:59 aa2 check for lockfiles 06/17 16:19:59 aa2 checklock: no active process has lock, will remove 06/17 16:19:59 aa2 locking the line 06/17 16:19:59 aa2 makelock(cuaa2) called 06/17 16:19:59 aa2 do_makelock: lock=\'/var/spool/lock/LCK..cuaa2\' 06/17 16:19:59 aa2 lock made 06/17 16:20:00 aa2 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR 06/17 16:20:00 aa2 lowering DTR to reset Modem 06/17 16:20:01 aa2 tss: set speed to 57600 (160400) 06/17 16:20:01 aa2 tio_set_flow_control( HARD ) 06/17 16:20:01 aa2 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: 06/17 16:20:01 aa2 send: ATZS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d] 06/17 16:20:01 aa2 waiting for ``OK\'\' 06/17 16:20:01 aa2 got: ATZS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d] 06/17 16:20:01 aa2 CND: ATZS0=0Q0&D3&C1[0d][0a]OK ** found ** 06/17 16:20:01 aa2 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0d][0a] 06/17 16:20:02 aa2 removing lock file 06/17 16:20:02 aa2 waiting... 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 select returned 1 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 checking lockfiles, locking the line 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 makelock(cuaa2) called 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 do_makelock: lock=\'/var/spool/lock/LCK..cuaa2\' 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 lock made 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 wfr: waiting for ``RING\'\' 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 got: [0d][0a]RING[0d] 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 CND: RING 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 wfr: rc=0, drn=0 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 CND: check no: \'none\' 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 send: ATA[0d] 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 waiting for ``CONNECT\'\' 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 got: ATA[0d] 06/17 16:22:43 aa2 CND: OKATA[0d][0a]CONNECT ** found ** 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 send: 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 waiting for ``_\'\' 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 got: 57600/V34b 33600/V42b/SREJ[0d] 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 CND: CONNECT 57600/V34b 33600/V42b/SREJ 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 CND: found: 57600/V34b 33600/V42b/SREJ ** found ** 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 waiting for line to clear (VTIME), read: [0a]~[ff]}#[c0]!}!} } 2}\"}&} } } } }%}?[e7]8}%}\'}\"}(}\"}-}#}&}1}$}&N}3}7}![a1][ec][aa]}!|GI[c2 ][98]T[af][9b][fc][d2][83]}>} } } } [9e]}7~ 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 utmp + wtmp entry made 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 tio_set_flow_control( HARD ) 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 print welcome banner (/etc/issue) 06/17 16:22:58 aa2 getlogname (AUTO_PPP), read:~[ff]}#[c0]! 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 input finished with \'\\r\', setting ICRNL ONLCR 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 tio_get_rs232_lines: status: RTS CTS DSR DTR DCD 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 login: use login config file /usr/local/etc/mgetty+sendfax/login.config 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 match: user=\'/AutoPPP/\', key=\'\' 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 match: user=\'/AutoPPP/\', key=\'\' 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 match: user=\'/AutoPPP/\', key=\'/AutoPPP/\'*** hit! 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 login: utmp entry: a_ppp 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 utmp + wtmp entry made 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 calling login: cmd=\'/usr/sbin/pppd\', argv[]=\'pppd file /etc/ppp/options.modem\' 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 setenv: \'CALLER_ID=none\' 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 setenv: \'CONNECT=57600/V34b 33600/V42b/SREJ\' 06/17 16:23:00 aa2 setenv: \'DEVICE=cuaa2\' 06/17 16:23:00 ##### data dev=cuaa2, pid=5988, caller=\'none\', conn=\'57600/V34b 33600/V42b/SREJ\', name=\'\', cmd=\'/usr/sbin/pppd\', user=\'/AutoPPP/\'